Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nobody is above the Law - Or should I say Khap?

Everyone knows that India is diverse. Many people, many cultures. World over people want to come visit India to see this diversity in culture. But few know that under this 'diversity' there is some filthy laundry that India just refuses to clean up! In the name of culture and tradition, murderers get away. The government which claims the whole world's terrorists are against us, always tends to forget its internal volcano - a fire burning within - waiting to burst out into flames with a small spark!

How many people know that in the name of culture and tradition, young women and men are killed and burned simply because they fell in love? Of course, most Indians will be quick to say - 'No that only happens in villages where there are uneducated people'. Truth be told - that's a farse! It happened in Delhi with a school teacher!

Fact is, whatever excuse you hear is just a joke! Think about it - our laws clearly say that anyone over the age of 18 (or in a few months 16) can choose her partner. So then why are people killed because they married someone? Simple reason - Khap! If people go against the Khap, even if they are well within the legal bounds of the Indian Constitution, they have committed a crime - mostly, an unforgivable one. The outcome of many 'trials' of the Khap often results in the Death penalty.

For those readers who are shocked at this - the whole blame can be put on the Khap - or can't it? In a place ruled by a Khap - the Indian law can simply take a hike - fact is the Khap does consider itself above the law. And no-one has proved them wrong!

Think hatke - if our government wants - all the Khap leaders can be arrested and put behind bars (or if tried properly, their own judgements might just be handed out to them!) After that - Anyone trying to go against the law (of India, not the Khap) will think twice before they do it!!

In other recent news: Khap will soon take over and then everyone will be married by the age of 12-16. 

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